Monday, July 17, 2006

Web Site contrasts

Some more useful sources from the Guild over the last few days. One was a site listing sources relating to New Zealand ( Well worth exploring for anyone with NZ ancestors, since there is such a variety of information there. However, because there are so many individual listings, it is the sort of site which is very time consuming to search through. Using Google’s site search can help but only where the pages are on the same site.

So, with Parry not being a frequently occurring name in NZ, this is one to return to once I have some specific people to track down. Otherwise the time it takes to search isn’t worth the return gained in terms of general names.

In contrast to that, was an index of burials in Manchester City Council cemeteries ( - 523 Parry entries, all available as a result of one search. There’s only the basic details given, (name, year, and cemetery) with more information available for a (rather prohibitive) fee but, in many cases, I imagine the basic information will be sufficient to identify the person in the Civil Registration indexes.

Now all I need is a listing from the civil registration indexes to match them to!

That's another task still to be tackled.

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